Get lasting relief from Chronic Digestive Issues

Heal your body, your life, and your gut in non-medical ways

If you struggle with chronic digestive issues like IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, or Crohn’s disease then you know how they can rule every aspect of your life.

Not being able to go where you want or do the things that you want to do because you’re always worried about a flare. Dealing with the pain, often shame, and fear is more than a problem, it can be completely debilitating.

You’ve exhausted whatever remedies traditional medicine has to offer and your symptoms are still negatively impacting your life.

You’ve searched and searched and might feel like you’ve tried everything - alternative medicines, various diets, or supplements and you are still struggling on your own with no relief.

That’s because our guts are as individual as we are, so one-size-fits-all approaches frequently don’t work.

This isn’t your fault.

Thankfully, there are ways to improve – and even reverse – your symptoms. Even if you feel like you’ve tried everything and don’t know where else to turn.

You don’t have to live like this anymore.

I’ve created a unique process to help you get relief from gut issues that are likely to control your life. Combining the wisdom of the ancient yogic tradition and modern-day science with tools, techniques, and practices used as a master yoga teacher and a master life coach, I will guide you to heal your painful gut issues in non-medical ways.

In the Digestion Coach Program, you will:

  • learn what impacts your digestion and why,
  • be able to make changes that are uniquely right for you.
  • be empowered to take control of your life and your health.

Click the button below to learn more about The Digestion Coach Program and how Amy can help you.

Meet your coach, Amy Tyre

You can do more to help your chronic digestive issues. Get your free Digestion Hacks Checklist and Guide to get started right away.

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